MooiNL: Green and healthy
living in cities
The program Mooi Nederland (Beautiful Netherlands) outlines spatial quality as the starting point of the big transition of Dutch cities and countryside. Within the program we worked together with DELVA and Arcadis | Over Morgen on a manual for municipalities to ensure the development of green and healthy structures inside the cities.
The Netherlands (Casestudies: Rotte in Rotterdam, Singelpark in Oldenzaal, Dommel in Eindhoven, De Groene Loper in Hilversum and Groenblauw Dordrecht).Year
2023 -
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
Project leader
Rens Wijnakker
Team members
Mark Slierings
Wesley Verhoeven
Isa van der Bijl
Ludovica Beltrami
This manual is one of the 8 action perspectives aimed at helping municipalities in guiding the big transitions of the Netherlands while simultaneously guiding towards healthier and more qualitative cities. The manual comprises of two parts, one part about what to implement and the second part is on instruments for implementation. The research phase consisted of a desk research and site visits with interviews in the four case studies. This resulted in a compilation on greener and healthier cities categorized in 6 building blocks: social network, slow mobility network, recognizable network, healthy network, ecological network and climate adaptive network. In each building block specific elements are proposed for redesigning the public space.
The instruments are categorized under four different topics, spatial (policy and vision), knowledge (development and sharing), involvement (internal and public-private), guarantee and financing (mechanisms and impulses). Together with a group of governmental agencies (among others Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Staatsbosbeheer and several municipalities) we filled the four topics, coupling actions with instruments and phasing in area development trajectories. On top of that we formulated what would be aspects that governmental agencies outside of municipalities could do to stimulate the development of these networks.