Development Perspective Port of Rotterdam
The transition towards a renwable energy system and a circular economy will result in an unprecedented spatial transformation of Rotterdam’s Port area. The perspective for NOVEX-area ‘Port of Rotterdam’ outlines the vision of transforming the Port of Rotterdam into the world's most sustainable industrial complex; addressing challenges in the transition to circular economies, and prioritizing energy and material transitions. Emphasis is on a balanced transition with the living environment, including housing developments.
Port Industrial Complex of Rotterdam, NLYear
2023 -
Arcadis NL
WesselinkVanZijst -
Provincie Zuid-Holland in collaboration with Ministerie van BZK
Ministerie van I&W
Ministerie van EZK
Ministerie van LNV
Gemeente Rotterdam
Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en Milieudienst Rijnmond (DCMR) -
Project lead
Rens WijnakkerTeam members
Mark Slierings
Arina Novikova
Samuel van Engelshoven
Duong Bui
“The Rotterdam Port, being the largest in Europe and a crucial international transportation hub, currently focuses heavily on handling fossil fuels.”
— Rens Wijnakker
Ensuring international competitiveness and sustaining employment for nearly 400,000 individuals are critical factors in achieving this vision. To realize these goals, the port requires sufficient physical and environmental space (including considerations for noise, nitrogen deposition, and safety). Simultaneously, Rotterdam and the surrounding municipalities face significant challenges in housing development, improving accessibility, and enhancing the quality of the urban and regional environment, demanding ample physical and environmental space. The complex interplay of diverse challenges and local, regional, and international interests designates the Rotterdam Harbor as a NOVEX area.
In the NOVEX area of the Port of Rotterdam, collaboration between national (I&W, EZK, BZK, LNV) and regional (Province of South Holland, Municipality of Rotterdam, Port of Rotterdam, and DCMR) entities is underway to formulate a development perspective for 2030 and 2050. This perspective guides strategic spatial decisions and implementation agreements among involved parties, serving as the foundation for accelerated choices in shaping the transition toward a sustainable and resilient Harbor Industrial Complex (HIC) Rotterdam. The changing global landscape, driven by international sustainability goals like the EU Green Deal and the Paris Climate Agreement, necessitates envisioning a new perspective for a sustainable and future-proof economic viability for the port. Leveraging its potential in terms of location, competitiveness, existing businesses and institutions, and infrastructure, the Rotterdam Harbor Industrial Complex has the potential to evolve into the world's most sustainable harbor and industrial complex.
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