Ningo Prampram New Town

Commissioner: UNHabitat | Contact person: Eric Frijters & Olv Klijn

In collaboration with a broad network of specialized partners, FABRICations developed a plan for a major urban expansion in the coastal villages of Ningo and PramPram (Ghana). Commissioned by UN-Habitat, the project aims to provide sustainable infrastructure for 1.8 million residents in the rapidly growing Greater Accra urban region.

In addition, coastal defense and flooding landscapes have been redesigned to provide a resilient system. They are capable of naturally protecting the city from calamities, and flexibly adapt for food production and leisure in less critical moments. Similarly, the flows of resources (food, water, energy, waste) have been structured to provide a self-sustaining city in each phase of the development.

In August 2016, the authorities of the Greater Accra urban region officially approved the Ningo-Prampram plan.

The expansion combines the principles of urban metabolism and circular economies with low-tech strategies capable of channeling rapid, unsupervised growth through simple, implementable solutions.

In conjunction with the existing primary infrastructure, a new grid has been chosen as the foundational urban model. Its simplicity in application and proportional relationships that connect different scales of intervention will enable the future metropolis to preserve the social and cultural inclusiveness typical of African society.

Partners: MLA+, Mixst Urbanisme, More Architecture, OKRA | Team: Duong Bui, Goda Galdikaite, Luca de Stefano


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